By Family Coach Frenchie Pulluaim
I am currently working with a family that is struggling to accept that they are living in a homeless community. They lost their housing due to company downsizing and income that went from a working salary to unemployment checks. They did not change their lifestyle, although their income changed. They felt finding employment would be fast and they would be back on their feet.
Well, finding employment did not come easy, or fast.
The couple quickly began to fall behind on bills, which caused to them to max out credit cards, family and friends. Some families do not make it through these type of struggles.
This family found themselves in a situation that was life changing. The time came to stop worrying about what people would think and accept that they were broke and in need of services to survive this crisis.
The family now looks at their problems and lives through different eyes. They are budgeting and becoming accountable for managing their money, while realizing this is what you do whether you have a lot of money, or very little.
They are learning that Pride comes before the fall, that there is nothing wrong with admitting that your plans are not working out. It is even OK to allow someone to assist you in problem solving.
Community LINC provided the wraparound services that this family needed to get back on track and feel good about themselves.
Most working, independent families do not see programs as something they can use or need because they have been successful. They feel ashamed and fear what people may say about them.
Community LINC serves families from all walks of life, our mission is to assist families to be successful and move forward with their lives.