Monday, September 16, 2013

Therapy Matters: Fathers matter

By a Children's Mental Wellness Therapist

Some of the children in our program show increases in anxiety when they are learning to transition into the program and to be surrounded by other youth! 

In working with an only child showing that anxiety, one of our therapists gave the child a task to write a letter to someone who he cares about. The young man immediately chose to write a letter to his absentee father.  It took a while, but on the fourth session, the young man wrote a letter to his father describing his pain and the experience of living his life without him.  

The child was the given the opportunity his letter with the therapist, if he chose. It was a chance to express himself with a non-threatening person in a safe environment.  As a result, the young man reported feeling better, relieved and less stressed.  

Our young man is also working with therapist on learning the art of forgiveness and moving forward.  He admits that the challenge to write to his father was difficult but feels happy that he was able to release his emotions through writing and no longer feels angry or sad.

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