Monday, October 28, 2013

Aftercare Matters: Putting it all together

By Aftercare Critical Time Intervention Case Manager Sara Barrett
Our first eight families to work through the Aftercare Program will be graduating this month.
All of the families are employed, and three have increased their income or been promoted in their current jobs. Over the last nine months they have saved over $5000 and paid off over $4000 in debt, including credit cards, outstanding warrants and tickets, property tax arrearages and payday loans.   Two families have purchased vehicles and insurance.
Three families have accessed higher education or trade school to increase their education and knowledge base. One family has accessed Small Business Education through a partnering agency and has begun the blueprints for her already growing small business, as well as a savings account to prepare for expansion of her business.
Two families have enrolled in substance abuse support to deal with previous or current addictions. Four families have accessed mental health and emotional wellness services to improve the relationships within their family setting.
The beauty of Aftercare is seeing clients move beyond a “program mentality” and moving into their own dreams, believing they can move forward after the trauma of experiencing homelessness. Life does not stop at a roof over their heads, that is just the beginning; the first page to a new story. As the aftercare worker, I have learned to see beyond the walls of program requirements and my idea of what looks possible for a family. I am moved by the honor of walking with these families for the last nine months, and forever inspired to push beyond the difficult circumstances life can bring to something greater.  

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