By Employment Services Job Coach Constance Taylor
When my current participant and her family entered our program, she had faith that she would find another job. She knew it would require a lot of hard work and time.
At least seven years ago, she divorced her children’s father and decided to focus on raising her young children using child support knowing she couldn’t find a job that would pay enough to cover child care. They moved into a single dwelling with several other adult family members and pooled their resources.
After the death of two of those family members, the pool of funds decreased drastically. They were unable to pay their rent on time and were evicted.
It was time to become self-sufficient.
She arrived in the employment lab each day before 9:00 AM, which demonstrated her eagerness and desire to secure employment. We created a resume and set up profiles on several job sights. Although, she had no computer skills and very little experience, her strong interpersonal and communication skills were a good fit for the retail industry.
Finally, I told her, I thought it was time to “hit the street” as we call it in the lab. It took one day of applying at various retail stores and she received a phone call from a small neighborhood merchant who was willing to give her a chance.
She secured employment in less than one month of her search because of her sincere tenacity and hard work. She is excited about the opportunities in her future.
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