Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Intake Matters: For his kids' sake

By Intake & Resident Specialist Holly Gardner
Mr. G and his two baby daughters were referred to us from City Union Mission 10/2/13. After going through the screening process, I assisted his move in to Community LINC on 10/10/13.
As all families do, Mr. G shared his story and the unique and personal experiences that led him to our door.  The most impactful was surviving a violent crime and healing from a recent gunshot wound. This is a long process and along the way he has lost some support from family and friends who didn’t have the resources and or time it took to be “family” for him and his two beautiful girls.
When he walked in the door, he sat down in my office and strongly advocated for his children.  He is seeking employment and has current job prospects.  He wants to build a new and more stable life and find extended family for his little girls. This communication came through very strongly and I have no doubt that Mr. G is on the right path.
Although he is just entering our program, I chose to highlight him and his daughters…the success is this very moment in time, not so much what is to be, but the gift of what he now has. This is what I saw in his eyes as I handed him his key.
I feel so privileged to be a small part of this organization and look forward to his journey as we continue to coach and wrap our arms around his family.

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