Thursday, March 27, 2014

Children Matter: And So Does School

By Children’s Program Director Ryan Blake

A few months ago I met two brothers who were struggling academically.  Their homelessness and transportation issues had caused them to miss numerous school days.  Their falling grades didn’t reflect how intelligent they both were.  I explained to them how our after school program could help them with their homework.  Along with the falling grades came behavioral problems at school.  The boy’s parents made it very clear to them that grades and behavior at school were important and needed to improve.

Since our original meeting they have never missed a day of after school programming or our life skills classes.  Both of them consistently bring their homework and their questions.  We continue to work on fractions and reading comprehension as well as perseverance and self-esteem.   It has been a pleasure seeing how supportive their parents continue to be and how much their children have grown academically.

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