Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Housing Matters: Fear

By Housing Coordinator Tammy Mayhue

What a wonderful experience watching a new family enter Community LINC. The children are happy and the parents have a sigh of relief on their faces. But for some, their worries have just begun.

I had a revelation today regarding a family who was approved for housing. This family has been homeless for about 1 year. They lived in a couple of shelters and also with a family member prior to coming to Community LINC. I contacted the mom to inform her of the good news. I recall hoping she would answer the phone instead of getting her voice mail.

She answered the phone and I said, “Congratulations you got the apartment!” There was what seemed to be a long void. I said, “Hello” she said “Yes.” “Did you hear me? You got the apartment.” She then said “Oooooooooh. OK..” I asked her if something was wrong, and she stated “Nothing is wrong.” I told her, she could move in next week and ended the call.

I sat at my desk thinking about what had just happened. Then it came to me, she is happy to have housing, but has anxieties of the unknown. She is fearful of possibly making the same mistakes and has fear of failure. She may be even dreading what’s to come. This experience has opened my eyes and reminded me that the families we serve are still healing from their past.

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