Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Housing Matters: What Children Carry in their Backpacks

By Housing Coordinator Tammy Mayhue

Today I watched three children, dressed for school, backpacks on their backs, waiting for their school bus, while their mother was facing arrest for injuring someone during an incident of domestic violence.

As I stood watching, it appeared as though the children were not at all disturbed by the presence of the police, nor of the ambulance worker bandaging the wounds, perhaps because this was all too familiar. One of them even stated “I want to go to school”.

How do situations like these affect our children? They can become aggressive, disobedient, depressed, have low self-esteem, fears and even worse become abusers themselves.

It saddens me when I think about the children who outwardly appear to be fine just being children, but on the inside they are rippled with fears and insecurities of the unknown.

Our children carry more than school supplies in their backpacks.

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